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A brief overview on blood glucose tests

A brief overview on blood glucose tests

Ever wonder what this frequently used term blood glucose actually does? If not, here’s your answer! Blood glucose (blood sugar), is an element present in the blood that carries sugar to all the body cells, so that they can create energy for physical/mental functions. And naturally this energy (formerly sugar) is a derived from the food that we eat.
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10 home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief

10 home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief

Abdominal pain is classified as the pain that occurs somewhere between the chest and pelvic regions. It can be a pain in the form of cramps, menstrual cramps, a dull pain, an achy pain, or a sharp pain. Here’s a list of home remedies for quick abdominal pain relief: Hot Water Drinking hot water can be effective if you have pain in the abdomen.
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Here’s how to deal with the different causes of tingling

Here’s how to deal with the different causes of tingling

Often when you sleep in the wrong position or sit cross-legged for a long time, you must have experienced a tingling sensation in your hands or feet. The cause of tingling feet and hands, in this case, is the pressure on nerves that gives you a pins-and-needles sensation. Although this is not a serious health hazard, if the tingling sensation continues for a long time, it might be time to consult a doctor.
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Definition, causes and symptoms of urine color

Definition, causes and symptoms of urine color

Urine color is an important indicator of your health and hydration; different colors define how good or bad the condition of your urine is. This defining chart is called the urine color chart. A urine color chart shows different shades of yellow and defines the health of your urine through the intensity of the color.
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Lung disorders caused by chest pain

Lung disorders caused by chest pain

A chest pain does not necessarily mean that you have a heart attack, it can have many other causes and symptoms. Apart from the heart issues, there are also many other components that can cause a right-side chest pain. It could be due to a cold, infection, an injury to your ribs, or an issue with your lungs.
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Different types of pediatric liver diseases

Different types of pediatric liver diseases

Liver diseases can affect children of a particular age and sometimes infants also. This condition is commonly known as pediatric liver diseases and children have also known to suffer from severe conditions which required liver transplants to tackle the associated health complications. The liver is a unique organ in your body which can survive with a major portion of the same removed.
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